The Monkwick “School Road” play area with “Adizone” outdoor keep fit area has been in place since 2011
It was sponsored by Adidas and Colchester Borough Council in 2011 – in advance of the 2012 Olympics
It has served the community well, with keep fit equipment of all sorts, including a Basket ball hoop
The back drop of the basket ball hoop was fading and getting rusty…
In short showing signs of being run down in the 10 years it has been in place
So, I decided to first get permission to do a make over, by getting agreement from Colchester Borough Council parks dept
Once I had that, and an idea for a sporting feature came to mind
I contacted local artist, Calltheartist (Kerry) who has worked with me before on a local pill box
After commissioning Kerry to do the project came the job of paying for it.
I applied for Essex County Council “locality” budget, which is used to promote health, fitness ands getting more fresh air to local residents.
My project was quickly agreed, carried out and I unveiled the mural in August, with Borough Councillor Martyn Warnes in attendance to witness the ceremony
The previous scene inspired a generation of young people from 2011, through the 12 Olympics and beyond, until it wore out, this latest painting of Michael Jordan the basket ball ace will now inspire and enthuse the next generations to be hopefully the next Olympic champion contenders
The mural has the slogan MONKWICK – A STRONG COMMUNITY
And I have signed the piece in a small corner saying “Sponsored by Essex County Councillor DAVE HARRIS”