About Dave
I am pleased to introduce myself to you
I am a Labour County Councillor for Shrub End and Berechurch
and a Labour City Councillor for Berechurch
(I work with fellow Colchester City Councillors for Berechurch : Councillor Martyn Warnes and Councillor Chris Pearson, who make up the Berechurch Labour team. I also work closely with a growing Shrub End Labour team led by Luke Hayes, Mike Dale, and Bruce Tuxford)
A local Family man, married with children and grandchildren, I work within my home estate and community to ensure we maintain and improve the area we live in. I am in my area every day, no exceptions, meeting my neighbours, friends and family.
As Councillor, I represent the Colchester City Ward of Berechurch, and the County division of Maypole (Which includes Berechurch and Shrub End)
I host Councillor advice surgeries, on the last Wednesday of every month, at St Margarets Church Hall. 2:30 til 4pm. Now in the 20th year of advice surgeries.
I have a strong sense of social justice and community spirit that has been instilled in me at an early age by my parents.
Contact me at any time by
e mail : councillor.dave.harris@hotmail.co.uk
Phone : 07816168858 or home phone : 01206 545889
Facebook : www.facebook.com/CouncillorDaveHarris
Twitter @cllrdaveharris
Address : 12 Prince Philip Road Colchester Essex CO2 8PA
Promoted by D Harris on behalf of himself at 12 Prince Philip Road Colchester Essex CO2 8PA